IRAN's Biodiversity Information Management System


Welcome To BiodiversityDB Official Website - This site is designed to introduce Natural History Museum of Iran's Department of Environment (DOE) and also BiodiversityDB

Welcome To BiodiversityDB Website
this site is designed to introduce activities and statistics of Natural History Museum of Iran's Department of Environment (DOE) and also BiodiversityDB

You can find BiodiversityDB website's news here...

Search DatabaseVisitors Information
visitors can find several articles such as information about different units of Natural History Museum (Insects, Herbarium, Mollusks...) Archives of  books and papers, Museum's Galleries (Photo, Film, Sound), and Special features such as accessing to Databases and searching within them.
Researchers generally accept 3 levels of biodiversity: genetic, species, and ecosystem. These levels are all interrelated yet distinct enough that they can be studied as 3 separate components. Some researchers believe that there are fewer or more levels than these, but the consensus is that 3 levels is a good number to work with. Most studies,  focus on the species level, as it is the easiest to work on both conceptually and in practice. 
What Biodiversity Means
Biodiversity describes the variety of life on Earth from microorganisms to whales, along with the habitats they depend upon.
Natural History Museum Units

Biodiversity Virtual Museum Opened Virtual Museum







Reptiles & Amphibians


Last Update: 84/12/12

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