IRAN's Biodiversity Information Management System


Welcome To BiodiversityDB Official Website - This site is designed to introduce Natural History Museum of Iran's Department of Environment (DOE) and also BiodiversityDB

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1) What is BiodiversityDB ?
BiodiversityDB is a program which is designed as an Information Management System for Iran's Biodiversity
2) What is Biodiversity ?
The term biodiversity describes the variety of life on Earth, from micro-organisms to mighty whales, along with the habitats they depend upon. For more information please refer to

What's biodiversity page

3) What is Three Levels of Biodiversity ?
Researchers generally accept three levels of biodiversity: genetic, species, and ecosystem.

For more information please refer to

What's biodiversity page

4) What is DOE ?
DOE term stands for Department Of Environment of IRAN.
5) What is Official Site of DOE ?
The Official Site of DOE is :
6) How can we contact you?
You can email us through this email :

Or refer to addresses provided in Contact Us Page

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